Cloves cultivation in Morogoro Region has been described as one of the strategic crops that would enable farmers increase their incomes and contribute dearly in socio-economic growth of the Region.
Speaking to reporters here on Wednesday on how farmers in Morogoro have been enthusiastic about the new cash crop, SAGCOT Manager for Kilombero Cluster, Mr John Banga said the crop set to transform lives of farmers.
“Since the crop was introduced in Morogoro has attracted many farmers and that we are also promoting avocados farming in those areas suitable for clove growing,” Mr Banga explained, noting that cloves would help to boost economic growth and development of the region.
He said the Office of Morogoro Regional Commissioner, Mr Adam Malima in partnership with SAGCOT have been working very closely to ensure that farmers were trained and exposed on how to grow the crop professionally.
“Last year, the Office of Regional Commissioner in collaboration with SAGCOT coordinated a study tour for 50 farmers to Zanzibar where they were imparted skills on all stages of how cloves are grown,” Mr Banga said.
According to the manager, the government has been providing necessary information to farmers on markets, extension services, farm inputs and their availability in an endeavour to increase production.
The districts whose lands were suitable and fertile for cloves growing in Morogoro Region are Gairo, Mvomero and Kilombero. The districts are also reported have favourable climatic condition for the crop.
He SAGCOT through its partners including IUCN, AWF, WWF and development partners have also been working closely with farmers to ensure that production of cloves in Morogoro Region increased.
“As of today, we have produced 350,000 clove seedlings for Morogoro District alone and are expected to be distributed to 5,000 small holder farmers for planting,” he stressed.
Mr Banga further said that in Gairo District alone there 500 farmers and among them 40 famers have already been trained to how best grow the crop.